AgreeMe Checkboxes For WooCommerce


AgreeMe Checkboxes For WooCommerce plugin lets you add Checkbox fields to WooCommerce product, cart and checkout pages to collect user confirmation and display them at order invoice and emails. With optional custom fee attached to the order total per checkbox.

Add Checkbox Field with Options

  • Label
  • Place Type – Product Page, Cart Page, Checkout Page, Position within Checkout Page
  • Matching Conditions Product=xx, product categories
  • Matching Condition for cart and checkout page: Order Total > < xxx and Product in cart matches xxx,yyy,zzz

  • Agree Text Content Post id: zzz will show as alerts or notices.

  • Required Field to be proceed further.
  • Optionally add Custom fee to the order total if customer agrees.
  • Store agreement details as Order meta and display those in admin Order details page and order confirmation emails(HPOS Support).


  • We are open to your suggestions and feedback. Thank you for using or trying out one of our plugins!


  • Field options.
  • Frontend


  1. Upload the entire plugin folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  2. Activate the plugin through the “Plugins” menu in WordPress.
  3. Start by visiting plugin settings at “WooCommerce > Settings > Agree me checkboxes”.


30 Janaayo, 2024 1 reply
While the plugin offers a fair number of options, it unfortunately fails at the main thing it’s supposed to do: show the checkbox. When we created a checkbox to make customers agree to the terms, it showed the text on checkout but no checkbox next it. This is with the CheckoutWC plugin which improves WC’s built-in checkout page. With the default WooCommerce checkout page (CheckoutWC deactivated), the checkbox and text from this plugin do not appear at all.
6 Luulyo, 2022 1 reply
Dear Amin, Thank You for your nice plugin! The plugin is very useful for me. I use it in our Woocommerce e-shop. We sell unique products that are only one of a kind. Only some products are available in multiples. With the AgreeMe checkbox on Checkout page, I ask for customers’ consent to send them an email inviting them to leave a review for those products that are available in multiples. The plugin is great for such a case.
Akhri dhammaan 3 dibu-eegis

Ka-qaybgalayaasha & Horumariyayaasha

“AgreeMe Checkboxes For WooCommerce” waa softiweer il furan. Dadka soo socda ayaa wax ku biiriyay kaabahan.




Changed to native WC Session


Fees Bug fixed thanks to Naseem.
Changed section menu links order.


This is the first release of the plugin.