AI Image Alt Text Generator with GPT-4o


Plugin that uses the OpenAI GPT-4o API to automatically generate alt text for images, either during the upload process or on-demand with a button. It enhances website accessibility and SEO by providing descriptive and relevant image descriptions.

– Bulk alt text generation for multiple images at once in media library and gallery block
– Manual generation via a button in the image block and media library
– Configurable automatic alt text generation during the upload process

External Service Usage

This plugin relies on OpenAI’s API, an external third-party service, to generate alt text for images. The plugin sends your images to OpenAI’s API and receives generated alt text in return.

Before using this plugin, please review OpenAI’s terms of use and privacy policy:
– OpenAI API Terms of Use:
– OpenAI Privacy Policy:

By using this plugin, you agree to OpenAI’s terms and acknowledge that you have understood OpenAI’s privacy policy.

For Developers

You can read about the available hooks here:


  • Bulk alt text generation.
  • Generating alt text for an image in the media library.
  • Generating alt text automatically on upload.


  1. Upload the plugin directory to your /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.
  3. Go to Settings -> Media to configure the plugin settings.
  4. Enter your OpenAI API key (you can find it in your OpenAI account settings).
  5. Alternatively, you can set your API key by defining the ACPL_ALT_GENERATOR_OPENAI_API_KEY constant in your wp-config.php file: define('ACPL_ALT_GENERATOR_OPENAI_API_KEY', 'your-api-key-here');. When the constant is defined, the API key field in the plugin settings will be disabled.


Is there a cost associated with using this plugin?

The plugin uses the OpenAI API, which will incur costs. Please check the OpenAI pricing page for details.


30 Sebteembar, 2024 2 replies
Great and easy to use plugin. Thanks for this.I just wished for one little improvement.The additional prompt, which I can write while in bulk edit, can that be saved? So I do not need to enter it again?Or maybe let us define a user prompt in the Settings -> Media, where we provide our API key. That would be awesome.
4 Abriil, 2024
Installed it and put in my OpenAI API key and it worked perfectly.
25 Maarso, 2024 1 reply
Amazing! Great work Rafal! Super easy to use with GPT. I look forward to the bulk image update! Thanks
26 Febraayo, 2024 2 replies
Please consider adding: 1. a bulk update function 2. Ability to add to caption and title as well. Thank you.
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For the plugin’s changelog, please see the Releases page on GitHub.