This plugin lets your users sign up for your Mailchimp lists and groups via subscription form added through widget or shortcode.
Based on jameslafferty “Mailchimp Widget” plugin.
Shortcode example:
[mp-mc-form list=”list_id/group_id” button=”Subscribe” email_text=”Your E-mail” first_name_text=”First Name” last_name_text=”Last Name” placeholder=”true” firstname=”false” lastname=”false” success=”Thank you for joining our mailing list.” failure=”There was a problem processing your submission.” ]
Shortcode attributes:
- list – Mailchimp list_id or list_id/group_id if you want to subscribe to specific group. To subscribe to several lists and groups separate them by comma.
- button – button label
- email_text – label of the email address field
- first_name_text – label of the first name field
- last_name_text – label of the last name field
- placeholder – true or false; set true to display labels as placeholders;
- firstname – true or false; set true if first name is required;
- lastname – true or false; set true if last name is required;
- success – success message;
- failure – failure message;
- Upload the plugin to /wp-content/plugins/.
- Activate the plugin through the “Plugins” menu in WordPress.
- Enter a valid Mailchimp API key on the Settings > Mailchimp page.
- Drag the widget into your sidebar from the “Widgets” menu in WordPress or add subscription form via shortcode to any page or post.
- Select a mailing list and configure options.
Ka-qaybgalayaasha & Horumariyayaasha
“Another Mailchimp Widget” waa softiweer il furan. Dadka soo socda ayaa wax ku biiriyay kaabahan.
Ka-qaybgalayaasha“Another Mailchimp Widget” waxaa lagu tarjumay 1 luqad. Way ku mahadsan yihiin turjumaannada ka-qaybqaadashadooda.
Ku tarjun “Another Mailchimp Widget” luqaddaada.
Ma xiisaynaysaa horumarinta?
Baadh koodka, fiiri bakhaarka SVN, ama iska qor diiwaanka horumarinta adigoo adeegsanaya RSS.
2.1.0, Nov 23 2021
- Security – sanitization and escaping.
2.0.9, Apr 25 2020
- Improved compatibility with PHP 7.4.
- Version bump.
- Tweak: unique names to prevent conflicts with other plugins.
- Bug fix: fixed deprecated function.
- Added filter to default subscription status.
- Added the lists, groups and shortcode attributes to the plugin settings.
- Performance improvements.
- Bug fix: fixed an error in 2.0.1.
- Tweak: unique class names to prevent conflicts with other plugins.
- Performance improvements.
- Added the ability to subscribe users to groups.
- Added html5 validation of form input fields.
- Added the ability to change text of input fields.
- Bug fix: fixed the issue with html code when the form was incorrect after user subscription.
- Bug fix: increased Mailchimp pagination limit to get more than 10 lists and interests
- Bug fix: Fixed output of custom notifications.
- Bug fix: Fixed the issue of autoloading classes.
- Mailchimp API v3.0
- Admin notice removed
- Added the space to form items
- Added the ability to dismiss admin notification
- Baahin