Quantcast Measure provides fine-grained data about visitors to every page of your website. This includes statistics about platform usage (mobile vs. desktop) and site traffic, as well as audience demographics such as age, gender, geography, income, education, occupation, and family status.
The product also goes deeper to offer detailed information about visitors’ favorite websites, shopping behavior, general interests & hobbies, media and entertainment preferences, and even political affiliations.
Download the Quantcast plugin.
Create an account at, verify your email, and submit your website.
Install the Quantcast plugin on your WordPress site.
Activate the plugin from the Plugins screen in WordPress.
Go to the Settings > Quantcast, enter your Quantcast Tracking ID aka your P-code, and click save.
None so far !
Ka-qaybgalayaasha & Horumariyayaasha
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- Initial release