Chat Floating Button BY XD


Add a floating WhatsApp chat button to your WordPress site. Chat with your website visitors via their favorite channels WhatsApp. Show a chat icon on the bottom of your site and communicate with your website visitors.


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Arbitrary section

Stable Tag



Adding Chat Floating Button BY XD to your WordPress site is really easy, follow these steps :

  • Install and activate the Chat Floating Button BY XD Plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.
  • After installation, click the Chat Floating Button BY XD section in the left toolbar.
  • Add your Whatsapp Number in setting section of plugin.
  • Done!

    For the full feature list and additional information check


For additional information check


8 Oktoobar, 2024
The Easy to Install and Use Chat Floating Plugin by XD is an excellent tool for enhancing customer engagement on websites. Setting it up is a breeze — simply add the mobile number with country code on setting section and BooM the WhatsApp active. i highly recommended to use this chat button
7 Oktoobar, 2024
As a product manager, I recently implemented the Chat Floating Button by XD Plugin in our latest project, and I couldn’t be happier with the results! The plugin was incredibly easy to integrate into our website, allowing for a smooth and stylish chat feature that enhances user interaction.
Akhri dhammaan 5 dibu-eegis

Ka-qaybgalayaasha & Horumariyayaasha

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