Classic Menu Block


Use classic menus in gutenberg, using this block. This block renders classic menu data using wp_nav_menu function, improving backwards compatiblity.


  • The navigation block \


Kaabahani wuxuu bixinaya 1 xayndaab.

  • Classic Menu Block A gutenberg block to use classic menus.


This section describes how to install the plugin and get it working.

  1. Upload the plugin files to the /wp-content/plugins/classic-menu-block directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ screen in WordPress


4 Sebteembar, 2024
Great plugin for what it is – as a wrapper for the classic menu insert fn wp_nav_menu(), and so to be able to insert a classic menu into a full block theme.  BUT  ….   The documentation is totally absent for who this plugin is for, how you use it , whats the prerequisites    .. So the plugin provides a block to insert a classic menu  …So I assume you can insert a classic menu into a website which is using a Block theme. But if I simply start with block theme 2024, install and activate the plugin, then I don’t get in the Backend the menu item ‘Menus’  under Appearance  … so I cannot first setup/create a classic menu …. But then I realised if you  include the function register_nav_menus() in an action hook in the theme, then I get the MI ‘Menus’  –  function register_my_menu() {    register_nav_menus();          } add_action( ‘after_setup_theme’, ‘register_my_menu’ ); So now I can create a classic menu in the Backend, insert a Classic Menu block  in a page and select a classic menu for that  block insert. So for example, theme 2024 has no such register fn, so I  added it to  a child theme    And then to the styling   ….   The plugin  comes with some simple menu styling  – that’s  OK, at least its something  … But  if you want to do  your own styling the Spacemonkey article mentions  a filter  .. but its not clear  what it’s for / how  you  use it  …   But after looking in the code of the plugin  top file  classic-menu-block.php,  you  can use the filter  to change the  params  which  in the plugin are then passed to the classic menu insert function  wp_nav_menu() .   So  I  used this to change the class name of the outer  wrapper div of the inserted menu from the default to my own  …  as such I could remove the default styling, and style the menu as I  want without the need for !important or mega specificity.     So in conclusion it would be useful to simply add this info  in the diocumentation    ….  A comment on improving the default styling / adding styling config  (there isn’t any config at the moment)  …  I don’t know how far this should go  … simply because there would be so many  possibilities  to  suite each person’s needs so the whole thing becomes totally overweight  …   I think its best as is  –  the simple current  styling – at least  it works for the  non-dev, but  with the filter  a developer can do  their own styling.
20 Febraayo, 2024
Exactly what I was looking for: a simple menu-block. Nothing more, nothing less.
Akhri dhammaan 2 dibu-eegis

Ka-qaybgalayaasha & Horumariyayaasha

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