This plugin hasn’t been tested with the latest 3 major releases of WordPress. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues when used with more recent versions of WordPress.

Disable Plugin Autoupdate Emails


There’s not much to this plugin. It’s a couple barebones filters that turn off the plugin and theme autoupdate emails.

On WordPress 5.5.0, plugin/theme autoupdate emails are turned off regardless of whether or not they failed.

Since WordPress 5.5.1, emails indicating update failures are allowed through.


27 Nofeembar, 2023
The Disable Plugin Autoupdate Emails is a fantastic addition to the WordPress ecosystem. Its simplicity is its greatest strength, allowing users to effortlessly manage their plugin updates without being overwhelmed by unnecessary notifications. The user-friendly interface and seamless integration with WordPress make it a breeze to use. It performs its function flawlessly, ensuring that your inbox remains uncluttered while your plugins stay up-to-date. It’s a must-have for any WordPress user seeking to streamline their website management process.
13 Oktoobar, 2020
Thank you for developing this plugin. It has been a staple for all WordPress websites that I manage.
24 Agoosto, 2020
This is a bad mistake. Anyone who knows WP updates knows they cannot auto run via some community supported plugin. There are hosts offering this with a good setup. This plugin removes one part of this the emails, which is great. But if it could also turn this off entirely it would be just perfect.
19 Agoosto, 2020
This is the sort of plugin that I love: It just works and couldn’t possibly be simpler! This plugin will help out until bug request 50988 has been completed. Thank you to the author!
Akhri dhammaan 6 dibu-eegis

Ka-qaybgalayaasha & Horumariyayaasha

“Disable Plugin Autoupdate Emails” waa softiweer il furan. Dadka soo socda ayaa wax ku biiriyay kaabahan.


“Disable Plugin Autoupdate Emails” waxaa lagu tarjumay 5 luqadood. Way ku mahadsan yihiin turjumaannada ka-qaybqaadashadooda.

Ku tarjun “Disable Plugin Autoupdate Emails” luqaddaada.

Ma xiisaynaysaa horumarinta?

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  • Bump support to WordPress 6.4.3


  • Bump support to WordPress 6.3.2


  • Bump support to WordPress 6.0.2


  • Allow mixed/failure emails to get through (WordPress 5.5.1+)


  • Initial release