Fr Multi Bank Transfer Payment Gateways for WooCommerce


By default, WooCommerce provides 1 bank transfer payment gateway for all your bank accounts. With this plugin, you can add additional bank transfer payment gateways. So you can separate your bank accounts into multiple payment gateways, for example 1 payment gateway for 1 bank company.

– On the screenshot you can see there are icons next to the payment gateway’s name. You can add the icon using Fr Custom Payment Gateway Icon for WooCommerce plugin.


  • Plugin option
  • Multiple bank transfer payment gateways are displayed on the checkout page


  1. Upload fr-multi-bank-transfer-payment-gateways-for-woocommerce folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the Plugins menu in WordPress
  3. Go to WooCommerceSettingsPayments → and enter the number of additional bank transfer gateways. The additional bank transfer payment gateways will be added after you save the settings.


Uninstallation Instructions

  1. Deactivate and delete the plugin through the Plugins menu in WordPress


5 Diseembar, 2023 1 reply
The excellent plugin works well but this is not compatible with WordPress’s current version
18 Febraayo, 2022 1 reply
This plugin is fantastic! Please can you do same thing with PayPal gateway? I need a PayPal and bank gateway different for each category, thank you
30 Juunyo, 2021 1 reply
It would great if it had more options, like integrate the gateway icon on the same plugin. But it works, and it’s free. Thank you for the plugin.
13 Maajo, 2021 1 reply
I had to write this to thank you, its a really easy and simple plug in but extremely helpfull. Keep up the good work!
4 Janaayo, 2021 4 replies
Thanks, this is exactly what I was looking for, I can’t believe it’s still working, I hope more people find your plugin and you can update it. Thanks!
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  • Declare HPOS compatibility.


  • Add ability to add unlimited bank transfer payment gateways.
  • Refactor code.


  • Update installation instructions.
  • Add “settings” action link in the plugins list table.


  • Clean up.
