GamiPress – WooCommerce Points Per Purchase Total


GamiPress – WooCommerce Points Per Purchase Total let’s you award a percent of the WooCommerce purchase total as GamiPress points.

In addition, you can configure the percent of the purchase total to award. A few examples:

  • A 100% will award the same purchase total as points (e.g. $40 = 40 points).
  • A 200% will award the double of the purchase total as points (e.g. $40 = 80 points).
  • A 50% will award the half of the purchase total as points (e.g. $40 = 20 points).

Also, you can enable and configure it per points type so you will be able to award a 100% of the purchase total for a specific points type and a 200% for another points type.

Expand your WooCommerce

There are more add-ons that improves your experience with GamiPress and WooCommerce:


From WordPress backend

  1. Navigate to Plugins -> Add new.
  2. Click the button “Upload Plugin” next to “Add plugins” title.
  3. Upload the downloaded zip file and activate it.

Direct upload

  1. Upload the downloaded zip file into your wp-content/plugins/ folder.
  2. Unzip the uploaded zip file.
  3. Navigate to Plugins menu on your WordPress admin area.
  4. Activate this plugin.


How can I enable the points per purchase total on a points type?

After install this plugin a box titled “Points per purchase total” will appear on each points type letting you activate this feature per points type and configure the percent conversion for this points type.


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  • Improvements
  • Added option to reward based on total or subtotal order.


  • Improvements
  • Improved the way to detect when a purchase gets completed to correctly award the points.


  • Improvements
  • Updated deprecated WooCommerce functions.


  • Improvements
  • Updated deprecated jQuery functions.


  • New Features
  • Deduct points when order gets refunded.
  • Added the ability to register points awarded on user earnings.
  • Improvements
  • Prevent to award the points when the order still in processing status.


  • Improvements
  • Improved the way to detect a purchase gets completed to correctly award the points.


  • Initial release.