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Just ajax contact form with captcha, one shortcode and easy to use, without options and without complexity.
The Features
- Easy to use, just activate plugin and use shortcode!
- Ajax using jQuery.
- Captcha (anti-spam) and you can disable captcha easily.
- Multi email.
- Compatible with any wordpress theme, no need to customize CSS.
- No need to change email, but you can change email easily.
- No options and no complexity, one shortcode only.
- Ajax icon is retina ready.
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More Plugins
- Upload ‘just-contact-form’ folder to the ‘/wp-content/plugins/’ directory.
- Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.
- Use this shortcode [just_contact_form] messages will be received on admin email.
- If you want to change email, use [just_contact_form email=”here enter new email”]
- To disable captcha, use: [just_contact_form captcha=”false”]
- To change ajax image, go to your wordpress general settings page, you will find new field “Ajax Image”, enter your ajax image link, image size must to be 64×64 to be retina ready! Get free ajax images.
Multi Usage
You can make two contact pages or more, and using multi email, for example:
In first contact page:
[just_contact_form email=""]
In second contact page:
[just_contact_form email=""]
- No need to change admin email in WordPress general settings, just use email=”” if you want to change email address.
- For more info, read this post.
- Read explanation of use.
- For more questions or help, contact me.
- Or on Twitter.
Ka-qaybgalayaasha & Horumariyayaasha
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- Default ajax image now is transparent background.
- Option to change ajax image, go to your wordpress general settings page, you will find new field “Ajax Image”, enter your ajax image link, image size must to be 64×64 to be retina ready! Get free ajax images.
- New attribute! captcha=”false” to disable captcha easily.
- Usage: [just_contact_form captcha=”false”]
- Read More
- First version.