Kratos Anti Spam is a WordPress plugin, built to stop bots from sending spam and hacking attacks through all your website forms (i.e.: contact forms, comments, etc.)
Kratos Anti Spam features:
- Don’t require users to input captcha codes, or to answer questions
- Invisible to the user
- One click install
- No conflicts with other extensions
- No javascript conflicts
- Protect when users logged in or logged out
- Set custom error redirect URL
- Option to exclude protection on pages (i.e.: paypal payment notification request url)
- Option to exclude protection by request headers
- Option to log hacking attempts
- Log modified files, usefull to monitor hacked files
- Option to send log in email at specific time
- Option to send log email on demand
- Option to log the POST request
Installing Kratos Anti Spam plugin
- Install the plugin as any other WordPress plugin
- Configure it per your needs
IMPORTANT! After the first activation of the plugin use another browser and log in as administrator, if you can’t login please disable the plugin and let us know. Kratos uses the “login_footer” action hook, and if you use another way for logging in that doesn’t work with this hook you will be blocked from administration section.
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Ka-qaybgalayaasha & Horumariyayaasha
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- Kratos Anti Spam Released