This plugin has been closed as of 2 Oktoobar, 2024 and is not available for download. Sababta: Dhibaato Amni.
Kaabahani wuxuu bixinaya 1 xayndaab.
- Limb Gallery
9 Sebteembar, 2022
Gallery does a nice job. It vanished after an update, but on contacting support they checked it out and had it fixed quick!
7 Sebteembar, 2022
I picked Limb Gallery because it had the look I wanted. I have a lot of vertical images and also many not square. Most galleries I checked out, especially in the free version, would create only square thumbnails, poorly cropping my images. I really love the look I get with Limb Gallery. Then with the last round up both WP and plug-in updates, I found all my galleries just poof, vanished. I contacted customer service and surprise! Not only did they answer quickly, they fixed the issue! My pages now have content and work the way I wanted. So, I like the way this gallery plug in works and I like the support you are giving. I’d readily consider and upgrade if I need something more from the product. With customer service like this, it would be worth it. So happy!
6 Agoosto, 2021
I needed some special features for the Caption – they did the job and helped a lot. Every spent cent is worth it!
15 Febraayo, 2021
when downloading 2000 pictures, the browser hung – the guys figured it out. You need to load 500 images at a time.
9 Maarso, 2021
1 reply
Gran plugin con multitud de configuraciones.
Y el soporte técnico es rápido y eficaz.
Un 10.
2 Oktoobar, 2020
I highly recommenand the plug-in; is is easy to handle, creates an excellent optic and has a brilliant service.
Ka-qaybgalayaasha & Horumariyayaasha
“Limb Gallery | Create Beautiful Image & Video Galleries” waa softiweer il furan. Dadka soo socda ayaa wax ku biiriyay kaabahan.
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