Accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express, JCB, Diners Club, Discover, Alipay, Wechat Pay, Cryptocurrencies, Bitcoin, Ether, USDT, DOGE, Sofort, iDeal, Giropay, P24, Paysafecard, Boleto and more directly on your store with the Moneycollect payment gateway for WooCommerce, including Apple Pay and Google Pay for mobile and desktop.
Why choose Moneycollect?
Ma jiraan wax dibu-eegis ah oo ku saabsan kaabahan.
Ka-qaybgalayaasha & Horumariyayaasha
“MoneyCollect Payment Gateway for WooCommerce” waa softiweer il furan. Dadka soo socda ayaa wax ku biiriyay kaabahan.
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= 1.2.08=
* Optimize the acquisition of product information in orders
= 1.2.07=
* Fix known issues, please update promptly
= 1.2.06=
* Support localization language
= 1.2.05=
* checkout blocks support
= 1.2.04=
* checkout blocks support
= 1.2.03=
* Fix some problems
= 1.2.02=
* Fix some problems
= 1.2.01=
* Fix some problems
= 1.2.00=
* Online Refund
* More local payment support
= 1.1.14=
* Online refund function
= 1.1.13=
* On site payment synchronization display website language
= 1.1.12=
* Optimize order number parameters
= 1.0.11=
* Optimize order number parameters
= 1.0.10=
* Fix some problems
= 1.0.9=
* Fix some problems
= 1.1.8=
* Refuse to pay again from the order
= 1.1.6=
* Added Alipay HK
* Fix some problems
= 1.0.5=
* Fix some problems
= 1.0.4=
* Fix some problems
= 1.0.2=
* Transaction state optimization
= 1.0.1=
* Fix known bugs
* Optimize log
= 1.0.0=
* This is the first release.