Moova for WooCommerce


Integrate with moova to get same-day shipping at affordable rates. This extension would allow clients to from Uruguay, Argentina, Mexico, Chile, Peru, Guatemala, and Panama to automate your shippings.

The main features:
* Live Shipping Rate: Based on the product weight, box dimensions, shipping origin, destination, etc. this plugin will fetch Moova rates for shipping services.
* Real-time tracking: We will provide a tracking number that will enable your client to see all the shipping status from our website. We will also notify of all the shipping status to your store
* Shipments in 24 hours: Improve the user experience by enabling our 24 hours shipping. We will give a label for all their shippings automatically and ready to print



  1. Upload the plugin files to the /wp-content/plugins/woo-moova directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ screen in WordPress
  3. Use the Settings->Moova screen to configure the plugin


27 Agoosto, 2021
El plugin funciona de manera excelent La integración fuciona de manera correcta y ahorra tiempo a la hora de procesar pedidos y de ofrecer envios rápidos Tengo el plugin funcionando en 2 Paises ( Argentina y Chile ) y estoy sumamente conforme Adicionalmente cuenta con un equipoo de soporte increible, que ayuda en cada paso del camino.
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Dynamic text
Dynamic images
Improve hooks and text


  • Improve free shipping
  • Fix metadata
  • Fix duplicated


  • Compatible with Dokan


Remove webhooks from from
Simplify mappings
Change all moova shippings automatically to DRAFT
Remove bulk actions to improve clarity


Fix bug change status


Improve logs