MyD Delivery integration with SumUp enable SumUp Payment Gateway options to MyD Delivery Pro.
Don’t have a SumUp account yet? Create a new account here
This plugins requires MyD Delivery Pro at the version 2.0 or later.
About SumUp Payment Gateway
The SumUp plugin for WooCommerce offers consumers a seamless payment experience with their favourite payment methods in just a few steps. The payments are processed through the SumUp payment platform, so you can see them alongside your in-store sales. It’s affordable, easy to set up and use, and simply a better way to get paid.
Take Payments
- No fixed costs. No binding contracts. Just a small % per transaction
- Receive secure payments to your bank account within 3 days
- Find everything in one place in the SumUp Dashboard and App
Supported Payment Methods
- Accept different debit and credit cards: Visa, VPay, Mastercard, American Express, Diners Club, Discover
- Accept alternative payment methods: Bancontact, Boleto, iDeal, Sofort
- Request access to Alternative Payment Methods here
Stay Secure
SumUp is authorised as a Payment Institution by the Financial Conduct Authority and is Europay, Mastercard and Visa (EMV) and PCI-DSS certified.
This ensures that payments are processed in accordance with the highest security standards.
Be Flexible
- SumUp processes in 11 currencies
- SumUp supports 22 languages: Bulgarian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Estonian, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish and Swedish
SumUp website
SumUp Terms and Conditions
SumUp Privacy Policy
Do you know MyD Delivery Pro plugin?
MyD Delivery is a complete and lightweight delivery plugin/system to your store where you can manage products, order, discounts, get reports and a musch more!
- Upload the plugin files to the WordPress
- Activate the plugin in WordPress
- Go to MyD Delivery Pro -> Settings -> Payment and fill out the settings
- Done, just receive payments with SumUp payment gateway and MyD Delivery.
Where can I create my SumUp account?
To create your SumUp account and start usign the plugin access: Create a new account.
This plugins is developed by SumUp?
No. This plugins just use SumUp as a payment gateway (3rd party integration). To get mode details about SumUp access SumUp website.
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- Changed: compatibility with WordPress 6.7.
- Changed: code improvements.
- Fix: payment method not registered on orders to pix in some cases.
- Changed: code improvements.
- Fix: payment method not registered on orders to credit card.
- Changed: code improvements.
- Fix: payment method not registered on orders.
- Improvements: integration with new MyD checkout flow.
- Improvements: code improvements.
- Improvements: settings validation to better user experience.
- Improvements: code improvements.
- First release.