Octillion Widget for BTC-e PAMM is a user friendly, easy customizable WordPress Plugin to display statistics of BTC-E PAMM accounts.
Keep you customers updated with the latest statistics change, so they can see how their investments are growing.
Earn money with BTC-E PAMM affiliate program, just register an account with BTC-E Meta Trader, and type it in “Agent” field.
- Widget shows BTC-E PAMM accounts statistics
- 3 Languages: English, Russian, Chinese
- Easy to customize: 4 sizes, 3 skins
- Shortcodes to use it in WordPress Posts
- Earn money with BTC-E PAMM affiliate program
- Title: the name of widget (will be shown as widget’s title)
- PAMM account name: Name of the BTC-E PAMM account to track, you can find the full list of account here: , column “PAMM name”.
- Widget Language: English, Russian, Chinese
- Select widget color: Dark, Grey, White
- Select widget size: large size 431×216 px, medium size – 179×243 px, small size 138×162 px, long size 553px × 48px
- Agent account number: Optional, BTC-E Trading account number.
Affiliate program
As an option you can register in BTC-E PAMM Affiliate program.
Steps to earn money:
- – Sign up for BTC-E account
- – Register Trader account (USD or mBTC)
- Install our Widget to your WordPress
- In Widget Admin area type in your trader account number to “Agent” field
- – Check your referrals at PAMM BTC-E
- – Check Agent Commission at PAMM BTC-E
- – Read more: how it works
- [btcepamm] – by default shows the account “RobinHood”, the oldest profitable btc-e PAMM account, default size: 553×48 px
- [btcepamm acc=”Everlost”] – shows statistics for Everlost account, you can choose PAMM account from here , acc=”Everlost”
- [btcepamm acc=”RobinHood” lang=”ru”] – widget can appear in Russian, lang=”ru”
- [btcepamm acc=”RobinHood” lang=”zh”] – it can be also in Chinese, lang=”zh”
- [btcepamm acc=”RobinHood” size=”small”] – small size 138×162 px, size=”small”
- [btcepamm acc=”RobinHood” size=”medium”] – medium size 179×243 px, size=”medium”
- [btcepamm acc=”RobinHood” size=”large”] – large size 431×216 px, size=”large”
- [btcepamm acc=”RobinHood” color=”grey”] – grey color, color=”grey”
- [btcepamm acc=”RobinHood” color=”white”] – white color, color=”white”
- [btcepamm acc=”RobinHood” agent=”8024081″] – agent’s account number (if you have one) to get referrals, agent=”8024081″
- [btcepamm acc=”Everlost” lang=”ru” size=”medium” color=”white”] – shows statistics for account “Everlost”, widget language – Russian, medium size – 179×243 px, white color
- [btcepamm acc=”RobinHood” lang=”zh” size=”large” color=”grey” agent=”8024081″] – shows statistics for account “RobinHood”, widget language – Chinese, large size – 431×216 px, grey color, agent’s account 8024081
- [btcepamm acc=”WordPress”] – Couldn’t find PAMM account “WordPress” at BTC-E!
Shows error, because the PAMM account “WordPress” does not exist, choose PAMM account from here
This section describes how to install the plugin and get it working.
Choose either of the methods below that is best for you:
Install through your WordPress website using the upload function:
- Go to the admin menu ‘Plugins’ -> ‘Install’ and search for ‘’
- Click ‘install’ and activate it
Installs just like all of your other widgets and plugins through the administration section of your website.
Manual Installation:
- Unzip the folder ‘’ and move files to the ‘/wp-content/plugins/’ directory.
- Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.
Contact us if you have any questions.
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Ka-qaybgalayaasha & Horumariyayaasha
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