This simple plugin gives you the wonderful benefit of a really simple signup widget for your WordPress site to allow you to accept signups to your blog. The signup works over AJAX so no leaving the page. Registration attempts are responded to with a confirmation or error message. All input is sanitized and validated using native WordPress methods.
Those who register will be added straight to the subscribers list and given a randomly-generated password (which they can change via WordPress’s password recovery if they choose).
This is great for exporting the list for use on mailing services like MailChimp or in conjunction with another WordPress plugin to update your subscribers via email.
The widget is marked-up for Bootstrap 3 and also utilises a Font Awesome spinner icon although you can apply your own CSS as desired and these packages are not required.
You can set whether to accept a name along with email. If you opt to hide the name field then the username will be derived from the email address.
The widget admin area Widget as shown rendered by the Roots theme (uses bootstrap markup).
Just stick it in your WordPress plugin folder and activate it via the dashboard. Simples!
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- Translation functions added
- Plugin documenation update
- First version.