Smart Accordion is an stylish and customizable tool to shape and display on your website a list of the most frequent customer questions with answers.
Plugin Features
- Modern & Creative Design
- Clean Code.
- Seo Friendly.
- Responsive Layouts.
- List & Accordion Styles.
- Unlimited Accordion Anywhere.
- Super Easy Accordion Option Page.
- Display Accordion By Single or Multiple category.
- Choose Accordion Multiple Categories.
- Accordion Order By (Publish Date, Order, Random).
- Accordion Order (Descending & Ascending).
- Accordion Title Font Size.
- Accordion Title Font Color.
- Accordion Title Text Transform.
- Accordion Title Font Style(Normal/Italic).
- Accordion Title Alignment(left, center, right).
- Accordion Title Background Color.
- Accordion Content Area Padding.
- Accordion Content Text Size.
- Accordion Content Text Color.
- Accordion Content Background Color.
- Accordion Icon Show/Hide Option.
- Accordion Icon Picker Option.
- Accordion Icon Position (Left/Right).
- Accordion Icon Icon Color.
- Accordion CloseAble (True/False).
- Accordion Close Other Accordion Open (True/False).
- Accordion Slide Speed (Miliseconds).
- Accordion Default Auto Open Items Number.
- Accordion Items Margin Options.
- No Coding Skill Required.
- Easy Documentation.
- 24/7 dedicated support.
- And much more!
Accordion Available fields
- Accordion Title.
- Accordion Description.
- Accordion Categories.
Using The WordPress Dashboard
- Install as regular WordPress plugin.
- Go your Plugins setting via WordPress Dashboard and activate it.
- After activating the plugin you will see “Smart Accordion” menu below the comment’s menu at the left side on WordPress dashboard and find “Create Shortcode” page to generate Accordion shortcode.
Using FTP
1.Extract to your computer.
2.Upload the smart-accordion directory to your wp-content/plugins directory.
3.After activating the plugin you will see “Smart Accordion” menu on the left side of WordPress dashboard and find “Create Shortcode” page to generate Accordion shortcode.
How to use short-code?
When plugin active & all setup done please copy shortcode on the shortcode page & paste it anywhere in your post, page or text widgets section to display this Accordion.
Ma jiraan wax dibu-eegis ah oo ku saabsan kaabahan.
Ka-qaybgalayaasha & Horumariyayaasha
“Smart Accordion” waa softiweer il furan. Dadka soo socda ayaa wax ku biiriyay kaabahan.
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- Latest Version Compatibility Issue.
- Update Admin Interface.
- Update CSS File.
- Added New Options.
- Added New Options.
- Fix Responsive Issue.
- Update CSS File
- Added New Options.
- Fix Responsive Issue.
- Update CSS File
- Added New Options.
- Fix Responsive Issue.
- Update CSS File
- Added New Options.
- Fix Responsive Issue.
- Update CSS File
- Update Options Page.
- Fix Responsive Issue.
- Update CSS File
- Initial release