Post QR Code Link

This plugin shows a QR code with the current permalink in a backend metabox for…

1aWebmarketing 10+ rakibaad firfircoon Lagu tijaabiyey 5.8.9 La cusbooneysiiyay ka hor 2 sano


Simple , minimalistic plugin that lets you set different locale for frontend and backend.

Florin Iacob (mox|moxu|moxul|zamox) 10+ rakibaad firfircoon Lagu tijaabiyey 3.4.2 La cusbooneysiiyay ka hor 12 sano

Plugin Categories

Categorize your WordPress Plugins just like you would posts.

Tor Morten Jensen 10+ rakibaad firfircoon Lagu tijaabiyey 3.9.40 La cusbooneysiiyay ka hor 10 sano

Best Configuration

Provides a set of useful configurations for admin backend and frontend.

Giovambattista Fazioli 10+ rakibaad firfircoon Lagu tijaabiyey 5.8.9 La cusbooneysiiyay ka hor 3 sano

Hiilite Creative Group Branding

Hiilite works with a mix of local, regional, provincial and international clients. We are equally…

Hiilite Creative Group 10+ rakibaad firfircoon Lagu tijaabiyey 4.2.37 La cusbooneysiiyay ka hor 8 sano

Admin Menu Slide

Adds a feature to hide admin menu and make it slide when hovering on the…

Maciej Krawczyk 10+ rakibaad firfircoon Lagu tijaabiyey 4.3.33 La cusbooneysiiyay ka hor 9 sano

Simple Menu

Hide all non-essential and confusing Items from Admin Menu.

Eric-Oliver Mächler In ka yar 10 rakibaad firfircoon Lagu tijaabiyey 4.9.25 La cusbooneysiiyay ka hor 6 sano

WolfOz taxonomy mbtree

Tree view for metaboxes of taxonomies (products, publications, etc.)

wolfoz In ka yar 10 rakibaad firfircoon Lagu tijaabiyey 6.4.4 La cusbooneysiiyay ka hor 3 todobaad