Sumada Kaabaha: cart
Minimum and Maximum Order Value for WooCommerce
(0 wadarta qiimeynta)Set a minimum and maximum order value for WooCommerce and displays custom messages on the cart and checkout pages.
Change Shipping Label
(0 wadarta qiimeynta)A simple plugin for changing shipping labels in WooCommece cart and checkout.
Fill Cart Automatically for WooCommerce
(0 wadarta qiimeynta)Fill your customers cart with the products you choose, it can be filled automatically or through a link.
pipwave Gravity Forms
(0 wadarta qiimeynta)pipwave Gravity Forms is simple, reliable and cost-effective plugin that helps GravityForm merchants sell online. It's FREE!
HeadlessWC: Ultimate eCommerce Decoupler
(1 wadarta qiimeynta)The ultimate solution for integrating headless checkout functionalities into your WooCommerce store
Woo Product Per Qty
(0 wadarta qiimeynta)Woo Product Per Qty for that shop which that want to sell number of products.
WC Active Payment Discount
(1 wadarta qiimeynta)WC Active Payment Discount is the best wayt to get instant discount on checkout.
(0 wadarta qiimeynta)Moonbase plugin allows you to add buttons for your products and bundles from your inventory.
Frequently bought items
(0 wadarta qiimeynta)Frequently Bought Together help you increase your sales
MaaliPay for WooCommerce
(0 wadarta qiimeynta)MaaliPay for WooCommerce plugin provides a MaaliCard payment gateway for WooCommerce.
cart update without button
(0 wadarta qiimeynta)cart page cart box quantity calculation without update button extention for woocommerce
Wc Cart Automation
(0 wadarta qiimeynta)Automate cart creation for Woocommerce. Allows generating cart with voucher code and preselected products.
Enable Cart Fragments
(0 wadarta qiimeynta)Fix Elementor mini cart issue by enabling WooCommerce cart fragments with a toggle option in the WordPress Customizer.
Whats Order
(0 wadarta qiimeynta)Automatically creates a shopping cart from images inserted in posts a/o articles. Order requests are sent to seller by Whatsapp messages.
Add Free shipping text For WooCommerce Cart
(0 wadarta qiimeynta)Use to add Free shipping text for woocommerce cart page.
WC Multiple Cart Items Delete
(0 wadarta qiimeynta)This "WC Multiple Cart Items Delete" plugin can be used to delete cart items in bulk on cart page using checkbox.
Restriction on Cart
(0 wadarta qiimeynta)Set Restriction in cart. You can set the maximum amount of which an user can buy at a time. Also You can set how many items an user can buy at a time.
CartLink Generator for WooCommerce
(0 wadarta qiimeynta)Generate and share dynamic WooCommerce cart and checkout page links with pre-filled products, quantities, and custom prices.
Skeerel – Achat Express
(1 wadarta qiimeynta)Acceptez facilement les paiements avec Skeerel sur votre site WooCommerce.