Sumada Kaabaha: optimization
(0 wadarta qiimeynta)A WordPress plugin that uses jpegoptim and optipng to compress images during upload, allowing you to override the compression level and quality on a p …
WP EzPz Tweaks
(0 wadarta qiimeynta)Take the control of your WordPress Customized, Efficient, and Secure
AjaxPress | Transform Your Website into Single Page Application in Seconds
(4 wadarta qiimeynta)A powerful plugin that transforms your website into a dynamic single-page application (SPA). Enjoy lightning-fast browsing with AjaxPress.
WordPress Lazy Load
(2 wadarta qiimeynta)WordPress Lazy Load plugin enhances your page load speed by not loading the images until they are visible to the user
WP Optimize It
(2 wadarta qiimeynta)This is a very simple plugin that will allow you to choose which plugin is going to be loaded on specific pages, templates, homepage and etc.,.
(1 wadarta qiimeynta)Optimizes your assets (images, css, js) for faster site loading so they are loaded by StaticOptimizer Optimization servers.
Carla WordPress Security Plugin
(1 wadarta qiimeynta)Optimizes the loading time of your site, geolocates visitors, protects the directories of your servers and allows to modify your password directly.
Startklar Image Optimizer
(0 wadarta qiimeynta)This plugin allows you to optimize images from your media library and thus improve the SEO performance of your site.
Unused Media Checker
(0 wadarta qiimeynta)Identify and delete unused media files in your media library.
Atomic Reach
(1 wadarta qiimeynta)Atomic Reach was built to deliver a deep understanding of what makes your content perform and how to perfect it. This plugin establishes connection be …
Optimization Tools | ItnYou
(0 wadarta qiimeynta)Hi! Our plugin created for sites optimization purposes.
Warmer – Automatic Cache Warmer and Pre-loader
(0 wadarta qiimeynta)Automatically warm up your WordPress site's cache by crawling pages to ensure optimal performance for your visitors.
(0 wadarta qiimeynta)This plugin enables Globaliser Cloud's services for Globaliser clients' WordPress sites.
WordPress Accelerate
(0 wadarta qiimeynta)This no-config plugin makes WordPress website more performant with deferring JavaScripts and lazy-loading of images and iframes.
(2 wadarta qiimeynta)Enhance your website with powerful, intuitive, and user-friendly SEO tools.
(0 wadarta qiimeynta)Manage many options for cleaning WordPress crumbs any without any coding knowledge.
HTTP Express
(0 wadarta qiimeynta)HTTP Express enables a php based HTTP proxy to add correct HTTP headers to images, css and javascripts. Useful if you want to improve cache usage and …