This plugin hasn’t been tested with the latest 3 major releases of WordPress. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues when used with more recent versions of WordPress.

The Bucketlister


Feel immortal? Feel like you’ve got plenty of time to make your dreams come true? Not worried about death? The future?

The Bucketlister is for you!

The Bucketlister is all about making a list of all the things that you want to do before you die and putting time limits on them so you can see, day by day, your life ticking away! Fun for all the family!

Write down your dreams, give yourself a deadline then GO AND MAKE THEM HAPPEN!

If this plugin makes your dreams come true (hey, it could happen), then let me know!

I always believed WordPress plugins could change people’s lives.

To Do List

  • Add support for links for each item to link somewhere


  1. Your PHP needs to have the relatively new DateTime class installed. If you don’t know whether or not it does, try the plugin out anyway. It’ll check for you and won’t install anything if it can’t find it.
  2. Upload the bucketlister folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  3. Activate the plugin through the Plugins menu in WordPress
  4. Go to the Settings panel, and somewhere in there should be an item called Bucketlister
  5. Make some death lists!


I don’t want to die!

I know, I know. If I could develop a WordPress plugin that could stave off death, I would (and you’d be the first to get it). Unfortunately, I can’t.

Instead, take a deep breath, then start making a list of all the cool things that you want to do before you die. Trust me, it’ll make you feel better*.

*results not guaranteed.


Ma jiraan wax dibu-eegis ah oo ku saabsan kaabahan.

Ka-qaybgalayaasha & Horumariyayaasha

“The Bucketlister” waa softiweer il furan. Dadka soo socda ayaa wax ku biiriyay kaabahan.


Ku tarjun “The Bucketlister” luqaddaada.

Ma xiisaynaysaa horumarinta?

Baadh koodka, fiiri bakhaarka SVN, ama iska qor diiwaanka horumarinta adigoo adeegsanaya RSS.



  • First release. There will be bugs. Do a developer a solid, and let him know if you find any. Ta.
  • Bugfix.


  • For themes that support it, no longer loads unnecessary CSS and JS


  • Added support for years in the past for things that you’ve already done prior to this year