This plugin hasn’t been tested with the latest 3 major releases of WordPress. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues when used with more recent versions of WordPress.

User Shortcodes


Add a simple list of shortcodes to WordPress in order to display the current user information.

Unlike other similar plugins this is a very slim solution without any unnecessary features or design styles.

The plugin check if a user is logged in, if no user is currently logged in all of the shortcodes will return empty information.

The plugin includes 6 shortcodes:

  • Display the current user name
    [currentuser_useremail] – Display the current user email
    [currentuser_displayname] – Display the current user display name
    [currentuser_firstname] – Display the current user first name
    [currentuser_lastname] – Display the current user last name
    [currentuser_id] – Display the current user numeric ID

HappyPlugins – eCommerce Plugins for WordPress

HappyPlugins company develop premium WordPress & Guides for eCommerce websites.

Our Plugins includes Wishlist Member Dedicated Plugins, Easy Digital Downloads Dedicated Plugins

Currently HappyPlugins company the number one 3rd party plugins developer for the Wishlist Member Membership Platform.

Further Reading

DiscoverWP – Find & Compare WordPress Plugins
DiscoverWP was created in thing in mind and that to help every WordPress user to find the right product for his needs.


  • Edit post with User Shortcodes
  • Front end screen of User Shortcdoes


  1. Upload the plugin to “wp-content/plugins/” directory.
  2. Activate the plugin through the “Plugins” menu in WordPress.


How to use this plugin?

Use one of the shortcode inside your post or page to display the needed information

Do this plugin have any conflict with other plugins?

As far as we know this plugin does not conflict with any other.
The plugin usage simple shortcodes and a very basic coding so the chance that this plugin is causing for problem is very low.

If you have any problem or conflict try to disable the plugin and see if the problem still consist.
Share your potential conflicts in the support tab, if you have found them.

Where get I get more information about the User Shortcodes?

You can found more information at: HappyPlugin – User Shortcodes


9 Febraayo, 2017
Super simple and quick way to add shortcodes without a lot of fluff. Added nickname shortcode and I was good to go!
3 Sebteembar, 2016
Very nice plugin to get current user profile information in front end side. Good job.
Akhri dhammaan 12 dibu-eegis

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  • Initial release.