This plugin hasn’t been tested with the latest 3 major releases of WordPress. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues when used with more recent versions of WordPress.

Integrator For HubSpot


Integrator For HubSpot saves and updates HubSpot contacts when WooCommerce customers or WordPress users register, login or update their account details or addresses.

Tap into all your HubSpot contact properties from your own functions.php file.

  • Create or Update HubSpot Contact
  • Manually update specific HupSpot properties
  • Get current user’s HubSpot contact record
  • Get specific user’s HubSpot contact record


  • Use WCHub functions in your own plugins or functions.php file
  • Ensure your custom Contact Properties get updated automatically


Can the plugin access HubSpot deals

Not yet. The plugin only accesses HubSpot Contacts, but deals and products will be coming in later releases.

Can the plugin update or load customer HubSpot properties

Yes. The plugin loads your complete HubSpot contact record and makes all properties available. You can use a filter to update or fetch specific properties.


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Ka-qaybgalayaasha & Horumariyayaasha

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  • upgraded to use HubSpot V3 SDK and Private APP Token authentication. Requires the creation of a HubSpot private app.


  • updating stable tag


  • cleared some notices


  • release


  • removed un-needed test folders from build
  • updated pre-fix basename function
  • removed unused functions for getting plugin url/path


  • Initial release.
  • Supports complete HubSpot Contact properties.