Weather Widget Pro is a flexible and easy-to-use weather plugin that allows you to display a beautiful weather widget in your site without any coding skills.
Create a widget, select your location over 200,000 available aroud the world, choose the data and customize the look and feel with a few clicks.
- Fully responsive & mobile friendly.
- Easy to use – No coding required
- Display weather for 200,000 locations around the world.
- Shortcodes
- Current weather with temperature, humidity, wind, pressure, cloudiness and sunrise/sunset
- Up to 14 days weather forecast with temperature, wind and rain probability.
- Compatible with metric and imperial units.
- Fully customizable. You can show or hide every element.
- Widget can be styled individually. Choose font color, background, etc.
- Translatable .pot file.
- Supports WordPress multisite
- Compatible with any theme.
- All major browsers are supported.
Weather Widget Pro is a service provided by and
Ka-qaybgalayaasha & Horumariyayaasha
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