Weather Widget Pro


Weather Widget Pro is a flexible and easy-to-use weather plugin that allows you to display a beautiful weather widget in your site without any coding skills.

Create a widget, select your location over 200,000 available aroud the world, choose the data and customize the look and feel with a few clicks.


  • Fully responsive & mobile friendly.
  • Easy to use – No coding required
  • Display weather for 200,000 locations around the world.
  • Shortcodes
  • Current weather with temperature, humidity, wind, pressure, cloudiness and sunrise/sunset
  • Up to 14 days weather forecast with temperature, wind and rain probability.
  • Compatible with metric and imperial units.
  • Fully customizable. You can show or hide every element.
  • Widget can be styled individually. Choose font color, background, etc.
  • Translatable .pot file.
  • Supports WordPress multisite
  • Compatible with any theme.
  • All major browsers are supported.

Weather Widget Pro is a service provided by and


  • widget
  • widget
  • widget
  • widget
  • widget


14 Diseembar, 2023 4 replies
There is no step-by-step information to understand how it is implemented. It would be nice, like other plugins, if they included a small instruction. Also good plugin, good job!
15 Sebteembar, 2023 2 replies
Activated the plugin but maybe God knows where the settings of this plugin are or where to go about creating a weather widget. The settings page of the plugin is nowhere to be found. No instructions on the this plugin info page or in the screenshots. Useless!
18 Janaayo, 2023
This plugin works right out of the box. I got up and running with minimal configuration.
Akhri dhammaan 7 dibu-eegis

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