This plugin allows you to add discounts per payment methods.
Just set a amount (fixed or %) to the payment methods you want to give discount and is ready!
At the moment of payment the customer will be able to see each discount available for each payment method.
Note that this plugin works only with WooCommerce 3.0 or later.
You can contribute to the source code in our GitHub page.
What is needed to use this plugin?
WooCommerce 3.0 or later.
The discounts not being applied. How I fix this?
This error may be caused by some malfunctioning javascript in your theme. Just fix it in your theme.
Need help or want to make a suggestion?
Create an issue in our GitHub page.
Ka-qaybgalayaasha & Horumariyayaasha
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- Added support for WooCommerce 3.0.
- Abandoned support for WooCommerce older than 3.0.
- Stopped to use negative fees to apply discounts and start to use coupons, to better support for third-party plugins and taxes.