WPCasa Pricing Tables


When this plugin is activated, a new post type for pricing tables will be created. Through a set of custom meta boxes you can add your pricing tables with different plans and use a shortcode to display the table on your WPCasa website.

Please notice that this plugin is an add-on for WPCasa and will NOT work without the core plugin.

WPCasa is a WordPress solution that provides an intuitive way to manage property listings and create first-class real estate websites.


This is a list of contributors to WPCasa Pricing Table.
Many thanks to all of them for contributing and making WPCasa Pricing Table even better.

Kybernetik Services
Simon Rimkus
Mrinal Haque


  • Pricing table edit screen
  • Pricing plan meta box
  • Pricing table output
  • Pricing table output (Bootstrap example)


Automatic Installation

Automatic installation is the easiest way to install WPCasa Pricing Tables. Log into your WordPress admin and go to WP-Admin > Plugins > Add New.

Then type “WPCasa Pricing Tables” in the search field and click Install Now once you’ve found the plugin.

Manual Installation

If you prefer to install the plugin manually, you need to download it to your local computer and upload the unzipped plugin folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory of your WordPress installation. Then activate the plugin on WP-Admin > Plugins.


WPCasa Pricing Tables supports language files hosted by WordPress.org.
Your language is missing? Please be part of the community and help to translate WPCasa Pricing Tables on GlotPress. Thank you!


Will this plugin work without WPCasa?

No, this is an add-on plugin for the WPCasa real estate framework and will not work without the core plugin.


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  • Fixed sometimes pricing is showing wrong
  • Added support for translation hosted on WordPress


  • Fixed guideline violation


  • Fixed shortcode to return markup (not echo)
  • Added shortcode to pricing table list
  • Fixed minor CSS issue


  • Initial release