Liiska Naqshadaha

Ku Shaandhee:


Astaamo Gaar ah


Ku noqo Liiska Naqshaddaha


By Out the Box

Meeris: 1.1.32

Cusbooneysiintii ugu dambeysay: 17 Abriil, 2024

Rakibaadda Firfircoon: 2,000+

Meeriska PHP: 5.3 ama ka sareeya

Bogga Naqshadda

Your Go-to Theme. CityLogic's modest but eye-catching design makes it a great choice for creating any website from travel to business to food, decor, lifestyle, sport and more. The ability to have a transparent header allows the use of bold homepage imagery by displaying either a static header image or slider - with the choice of using the built-in slider or any 3rd party slider plugin of your choice. CityLogic integrates seamlessly with a number of popular FREE plugins such as WooCommerce, WPForms and Recent Posts Widget Extended. It also works great with SiteOrigin's Page Builder plugin making it quick and easy to create professional looking pages without any coding knowledge. You're always one step ahead with CityLogic!


Ma heysaa waxaad dhahdo? Caawimaad ma u baahan tahay?

Eeg madasha taageerada

Ka warbixin

Naqshaddani ma leedahay dhibaato waaweyn?

Ka warbixi naqshaddan

Naqshado la helay ma jiraan. Raadin tan ka duwan isku day.