Liiska Naqshadaha

Ku Shaandhee:


Astaamo Gaar ah


Ku noqo Liiska Naqshaddaha

Naqshaddan lama cusboonaysiin in ka badan 2 sano. Waxaa laga yaabaa inaan la sii hagaajin ama la taageerin lagana yaabo inay leedahay dhibaatooyin aan la jaanqaadi karin marka loo adeegsado meerisyadii ugu dambeeyay ee WordPress.


By cats_456

Kani waa naqshad hoose ee Jolene.

Meeris: 1.2

Cusbooneysiintii ugu dambeysay: 23 Luulyo, 2018

Rakibaadda Firfircoon: 100+

Biker is a theme not just for bikers, biker is cusmomizable theme: it has custom colors for link, headings, menus, widgets and sidebars, custom header, 2 custom backgrounds, 3 nav menus, slider and other options. Biker looks unusual due to transparency of elements, transparency can be changed too. This is a responsive theme, it uses Jolene as the parent theme. Translation ready and has Russian translation. You can find more info and 5 demo websites at


Ma heysaa waxaad dhahdo? Caawimaad ma u baahan tahay?

Eeg madasha taageerada

Ka warbixin

Naqshaddani ma leedahay dhibaato waaweyn?

Ka warbixi naqshaddan


Tarjumid Biker

Naqshado la helay ma jiraan. Raadin tan ka duwan isku day.