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SKT Admire

SKT Admire

  • Meeris 1.3
  • Last updated 12 Febraayo, 2024
  • Active installations 40+
  • PHP version 7.4

Admire theme is lightweight fast and easily customizable WordPress theme with compatibility with WooCommerce for eCommerce. Comes prebuilt using Elementor and supports gutenberg block editor as well. Built with SEO in mind and is compatible with SEO plugins. Responsive and Translation Ready. It can easily be extended in terms of functionality with various compatible plugins like contact forms. This is a base theme and has several demos around 50+ in the paid version. It is suitable for building any kind of website for any industry. Documentation: https://admiretheme.com/skt-admire-doc/

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Rakibaadda Firfircoon: 40+


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