Liiska Naqshadaha

Ku Shaandhee:


Astaamo Gaar ah


Ku noqo Liiska Naqshaddaha

Uni Education

By sharkthemes

Commercial Theme

This theme is free but offers additional paid commercial upgrades or support.

Meeris: 1.0.8

Cusbooneysiintii ugu dambeysay: 23 Juunyo, 2023

Rakibaadda Firfircoon: 200+

Meeriska WordPress: 4.8 ama ka sareeya

Meeriska PHP: 5.6 ama ka sareeya

Bogga Naqshadda

Uni Education is a elegantly crafted educational theme. It is blazingly fast, extremely light-weight, search engine friendly and very easy to use. Uni Education theme is suitable for college, School, university, LMS, Training Center, Academy, Primary School, High School and Kindergarten and various educational websites. Uni Education theme has wide list of customizable features including front page customizable sections with customizer api and widgets, wide and boxed layout and many more options. It comes with cross-browser compatibility, mobile friendly design and responsive features.


Ma heysaa waxaad dhahdo? Caawimaad ma u baahan tahay?

Eeg madasha taageerada

Ka warbixin

Naqshaddani ma leedahay dhibaato waaweyn?

Ka warbixi naqshaddan

Naqshado la helay ma jiraan. Raadin tan ka duwan isku day.