Sumada Kaabaha: evaluation
Calculate Values with Shortcodes
(9 wadarta qiimeynta)Allows you to display calculated values in your posts and pages. You can even use dynamic shortcodes as variables!
DX Template Manager
(1 wadarta qiimeynta)Create page templates like the ones in your theme folder but through a "DX Templates" menu in your Admin dashboard – HTML, JS, PHP supported …
Wp Easy Survey
(0 wadarta qiimeynta)Manage survey for making evaluation on post types in wordpress / Gestion de formulaire pour réaliser des audit sur les post type dans Worpress
(0 wadarta qiimeynta)Quizy enables you to create quizzes, tests with several common settings with evaluation
(0 wadarta qiimeynta)Plugin für die Implementation von Loopdesk auf einer Wordpress-Webseite