Sumada Kaabaha: gmaps
Simple Shortcode for Google Maps
(45 wadarta qiimeynta)A simple shortcode for embedding Google Maps in any WordPress post, page or widget.
WP Google Maps Shortcode
(5 wadarta qiimeynta)Insert Google Maps into your post or page using Shortcode
Map Engine – Google Maps and Open Street Maps for WordPress
(5 wadarta qiimeynta)An Ultimate map tool to revolutionize your map building experience.
Google Maps VE
(5 wadarta qiimeynta)Google Maps plugin is very powerful for creating maps in seconds. Easy to use and no programmer skills required. There is no limit for maps and marker …
(0 wadarta qiimeynta)This plugin allows you to directly embed Gmaps code in your posts or pages using the [gmap] shortcode.
Geolocate My Posts
(0 wadarta qiimeynta)A Wordpress plugin that tags the location of your posts using the Google Maps API.