Sumada Kaabaha: select
Responsive Select Menu
(42 wadarta qiimeynta)The Responsive Select Menu plugin automatically turns any WordPress 3 Menu into a select box / dropdown on mobile devices.
Select All Categories and Taxonomies, Change Checkbox to Radio Buttons
(12 wadarta qiimeynta)Use radio buttons or checkboxes for your categories and custom taxonomies with this incredibly powerful and easy-to-use plugin.
Navigation menu as Dropdown Widget
(9 wadarta qiimeynta)WordPress plugin which provides a widget with a clickable dropdown of a WordPress navigation menu. It supports one level of parent-child menu's.
Select and Multi-Select Field for Contact Form 7
(5 wadarta qiimeynta)This plugin uses Select2 , a jQuery plugin which replaces traditional select boxes with a customizable one with a capability for a search on the conta …
RY City Select for WooCommerce
(8 wadarta qiimeynta)Show a dropdown select as the cities input on WooCommerce. Auto set the postcode for selected city.
ACF Nav Menu Field
(5 wadarta qiimeynta)ACF Nav Menu field plugin provides an option to show a menu in the front end similar to other ACF fields (Text, Textarea, Number, Range etc.)
Post Type Select Field for Advanced Custom Fields
(2 wadarta qiimeynta)Custom field definition for Advanced Custom Fields for a select box populated with post types. Add-on for Advanced Custom Fields.
Dropdown Content
(5 wadarta qiimeynta)Allows different content to be displayed based on the value of an author-defined drop-down box.
Just Highlight
(2 wadarta qiimeynta)Just highlight – Select the text you would like to highlight, click the highlight button and save the post.
Switch Video Quality
(11 wadarta qiimeynta)Adds quality switch functionality and automatic embed code generation to the wordpress video player.
Chosen for WordPress
(4 wadarta qiimeynta)Make long, unwieldy select boxes much more user-friendly.
WP Country
(0 wadarta qiimeynta)Provides WP_Country PHP class to get countries list as an array and dropdown country select for use in other plugins and themes.
Responsive Mobile Select Menu
(2 wadarta qiimeynta)The Responsive Mobile Select Menu plugin automatically turns any WordPress Menu into a select box / dropdown on mobile devices.
Città italiane e cap codice di avviamento postale for Woocommerce
(1 wadarta qiimeynta)Selettore delle città italiane in fase di checkout
WPSSO User Locale Selector
(4 wadarta qiimeynta)Quick and easy locale / language / region selector for the WordPress admin toolbar.
Single Value Taxonomy UI
(1 wadarta qiimeynta)This infrastructure plugin adds basic UI for single-valued taxonomies, i.e. a taxonomy with presents a select widget.
Nice Select for WordPress
(0 wadarta qiimeynta)Enhance select elements with a nicer UI using the Nice Select library.