Disqus Comment System

Disqus is the web's most popular comment system. Use Disqus to increase engagement, retain readers,…

Disqus 70,000+ rakibaad firfircoon Lagu tijaabiyey 6.5.2 La cusbooneysiiyay ka hor 2 todobaad

Yappa Widget

Yappa is the web's most popular comment system. Use Yappa to increase engagement, retain readers,…

Yappa 20+ rakibaad firfircoon Lagu tijaabiyey 5.2.20 La cusbooneysiiyay ka hor 5 sano

Hikari Featured Comments

It adds 3 new custom fields to comments (Featured, Buried, Children buried), allowing you to…

Hikari 10+ rakibaad firfircoon Lagu tijaabiyey 3.0.5 La cusbooneysiiyay ka hor 14 sano


The HyperComments technology replaces your WordPress comment system with your comments hosted and powered by…

Alexandr Bazik, Dmitry Goncharov, Inna Goncharova 10+ rakibaad firfircoon Lagu tijaabiyey 0.9.6 La cusbooneysiiyay ka hor 12 sano


Logora is the web's most popular debate platform.

Logora 10+ rakibaad firfircoon Lagu tijaabiyey 6.1.6 La cusbooneysiiyay ka hor 1 sano