Designer Blocks
Designer blocks theme is fully compatible with Full Site Editor and Gutenberg page layout. Modern and simple theme perfect for anyone looking for grid based portfolio or blog. Designer blocks theme is only using the default Gutenberg settings, no other plugins or custom blocks required. Perfect WordPress block based theme to create eye catching personal portfolio or grid-based blog using the new block editor and FSE compatible theme. Designer block theme is based on the WordPress default Twenty Twenty-Three theme.
Astaamo Gaar ah
Accessibility ready, Block editor patterns, Block editor styles, Balog, Custom colors, Custom logo, Custom menu, Editor style, Madadaalo, Maaweelo, Featured images, Block themes, Grid layout, One column, Bandhig shaqo (Portfolio), RTL language support, Sticky post, Threaded comments, Translation ready, Wide blocks
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This theme is available in the following languages: English (US) iyo .Русский.