Liiska Naqshadaha

Ku Shaandhee:


Astaamo Gaar ah


Ku noqo Liiska Naqshaddaha


By wpHoot

Meeris: 4.9.25

Cusbooneysiintii ugu dambeysay: 28 Luulyo, 2023

Rakibaadda Firfircoon: 700+

Meeriska WordPress: 5.4 ama ka sareeya

Meeriska PHP: 5.6 ama ka sareeya

Bogga Naqshadda

Dispatch is an easily customizable, fast loading, retina-ready, responsive theme with a modern bold design. It is perfect for web agencies, studios, photography, portfolio, churches, corporate, personal and business websites. Easy to configure and customize, Dispatch comes with Full Width Stretched and Boxed layouts, beautiful HTML and image sliders, lots of color options, easy logo upload, 360+ font icons, pagination, custom widgets, sidebar options, and a lot more. It is built in HTML5 & CSS3, is SEO friendly, mobile optimized and retina ready. This theme is also translation ready. The theme is rigorously tested and optimized for speed and faster page load time and has secure and clean code. Theme support is available at You can also check out the theme instructions at and demo at for a closer look.


Ma heysaa waxaad dhahdo? Caawimaad ma u baahan tahay?

Eeg madasha taageerada

Ka warbixin

Naqshaddani ma leedahay dhibaato waaweyn?

Ka warbixi naqshaddan


Tarjumid Dispatch

Naqshado la helay ma jiraan. Raadin tan ka duwan isku day.