This plugin hasn’t been tested with the latest 3 major releases of WordPress. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues when used with more recent versions of WordPress.

Auto URL


Now supports custom post types.

Auto URL generates customized permalinks according to post types, categories and tags.

You can generate your own customized url for posts, pages and attachments by using different tokens.

Your posts and pages will still be accessible via your old permalinks.

WP 3.1 and up only. Beta version. Appreciate any feedback.

How To Use:

  1. go to URL Patterns page(wp-admin/admin.php?page=au-pattern) to set the patterns for post and page.

  2. you can set patterns base on tags and categories

  3. after you have set the patterns, click Bulk Generate URL to generate your custom url.

  4. to see generated urls, got to url page(wp-admin/admin.php?page=au-url).


Tested On: Firefox 5, Chrome 13, IE 7 and IE 8

-Available Tokens-


The unique ID # of the post, for example 423


A sanitized version of the title of the post.


A sanitized version of the full title path of a page. Similar to %name% but shows the it’s

title path which includes title of it’s parent. Only available to pages.


A sanitized version of the category name. Uses only the first category.


A sanitized version of the all the category names.


A sanitized version of the category path name.


A sanitized version of the blog name.


A sanitized version of the tag name. Uses only the first tag


A sanitized version of all the tag names.


A sanitized version of the author name.


The year of the post, four digits, for example 2004


Month of the year, for example 05


Day of the month, for example 28


Hour of the day, for example 15


Minute of the hour, for example 43


Second of the minute, for example 33


  1. Upload auto-url to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory

  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress


Ma jiraan wax dibu-eegis ah oo ku saabsan kaabahan.

Ka-qaybgalayaasha & Horumariyayaasha

“Auto URL” waa softiweer il furan. Dadka soo socda ayaa wax ku biiriyay kaabahan.


Ku tarjun “Auto URL” luqaddaada.

Ma xiisaynaysaa horumarinta?

Baadh koodka, fiiri bakhaarka SVN, ama iska qor diiwaanka horumarinta adigoo adeegsanaya RSS.