Interactive Posts Package Manager (IPPM) brings packages to WordPress. A package is a zip file containing assets such as CSS, JavaScript, and images. You can attach the CSS and JavaScript script to a post by adding a package to it. From there you may enhance the experience of posts to whatever your heart desires with beautiful animations and interactive experiences.
Kaabahani wuxuu bixinaya 2 xayndaab.
- IPPM: Assets Add CSS and or JavaScript to a post.
- IPPM: Dependencies Add JavaScript dependencies to a post.
Upload the Interactive Posts plugin to your blog, activate it, and done.
Ma jiraan wax dibu-eegis ah oo ku saabsan kaabahan.
Ka-qaybgalayaasha & Horumariyayaasha
“Interactive Posts” waa softiweer il furan. Dadka soo socda ayaa wax ku biiriyay kaabahan.
Ka-qaybgalayaashaKu tarjun “Interactive Posts” luqaddaada.
Ma xiisaynaysaa horumarinta?
Baadh koodka, fiiri bakhaarka SVN, ama iska qor diiwaanka horumarinta adigoo adeegsanaya RSS.
1.0.1 Fixed several minor directory and empty array bugs.
1.0.2 Optimize builds. Fixed several bugs.